Discover the principles of an
Ethical Business
The 5 Principles
"Ethical Leadership” means avoiding ‘success at any cost’ mentality and taking responsibility for missteps. It involves cultivating an “ethical culture,” using clear communication, and evaluating ethical concerns among staff.
“Management must “Walk the walk and talk the talk” to gain the trust of staff at all levels of the organization.”
"Caring for Customers” means prioritizing quality products, continuous improvement, and hiring & training staff effectively, all of which leads to trust between customer and company.
“It is vital that every company place service to the customer as the number one priority.”
"Integrity” means knowing one’s core values and living by them — which earns trust. Ethical businesses strive for fair prices, fair and timely payment to employees and suppliers, and accurate and transparent reporting.
“Our moral and ethical core values, also known as integrity, should guide our behavior.”
"Respect” means showing empathy to customers, treating suppliers as members of the team, listening to all employees, and being mindful of impact on the community and larger environment.
“Businesses should establish a philosophy that encourages vendors, employees, and customers to collaborate in giving back to the community.”
"Loyalty” means developing mutually beneficial, win-win partnerships, rather than one-side vendor relationships. Loyalty to staff, regardless of their status (eg: full-time, part-time, contractors, temporary) is always a priority.
“Loyalty is a two way street. A company without loyalty to its staff will ensure that workers will not give a 100% effort on the job.”
“It is our hope that business leaders, armed with these principles, will review the role of ethics in their company and carefully consider decisions that could erode or improve the ethical culture.”
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Want the guide?
The ethical business guide is a 36 page booklet which discusses each of the 5 ethical business principles. We will send you a free digital pdf of this guide, which you can distribute to your team, your company, or your clients.