
These are companies that subscribe to the principles of the Ethical Business Guide:

"Several of our members made positive comments about the program. It was proposed that our club should make a donation to Mr. Mullaney, which has been tentatively approved, and one member of a local police department purchased brochures for his independent distribution. I did not hear any negative comments about this program. The program also seems to be consistent with the principles of Rotary and I see no reason why our district should not wholeheartedly endorse it."

Michael Chapman

President, Batavia Ohio Rotary Club

"I ordered a hundred of the books; let that be testimony of the book's contents. I was impressed that it stresses the importance of leaders 'walking the walk' and leading by example while impressing the importance of ethics in the work place. The five characteristics the book refers to are on the 'mark'. Ethical Leadership, Concern for the Customer (in my case it's the citizen), Integrity, Loyalty, and Respect are all covered in our Policies and Procedures. When these run out, I'll buy another hundred. Ethics is something we can't stress enough, whether it be in the workplace or elsewhere, especially in these times. In summary, I do concur with approving and promoting this program."

Terry Zinser

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